Saturday, December 21, 2019

We do not know beforehand our Bethlehem trail Part 2

The familiar crib has mysteriously evolved into family. Not family as a physical realty, but as a spiritual reality.  Bethlehem is no longer a place on the map, but a spiritual reality to be discovered ever anew. What triggered all of this was the discovery that the scriptures are Not just what happened in the past, but are realities within me right now. With all those people, places, and events existing within the depths, does it get crowded?  Of course not As there is room for The Creator of all creation within my being, so there must be room for all of creation as well. Where creation is God is, where God is so is all creation. That is why the spiritual is an endless trail to be hiked into The Infinite, and infinity. What a mysterious journey we have been chosen to travel on. One can only follow a trail one step at a time, so thank The Gracious God, we are only required to live one moment at a time. So it is with all those people, places, and events we journey to," by a path we do not know.(John Of The Cross.)" on step, one moment at a time.  We are always safe in that moment.

Bethlehem is the place to which we bring all needs.  Bethlehem is the place to which we bring our hungers so we can be fed.  Bethlehem is the place where our powerlessness so we can be strengthened by The Powerful One appearing as a powerless vulnerable Infant.  This is our first encounter with our Savior.  The One who is always there to complete what we cannot achieve through human limitations.  Our Savior will not do for us what we can do for ourselves.  Our Savior is the essence of One that is healthy in every way, and so not codependent. Darn it!!!!!! Bethlehem is a place we discover in our rear view mirror.  This mirror is not very big so we have to have keen eyes to see. Grace will tweak our lenses so that we too can see and know a" Savior is born to us,a Savior is given to us".  Where is your Bethlehem this year?  Where is it situated?  What is the powerlessness that you are facing?  It may look overwhelming, but with Our Loving Mercy-full Savior God" all things are possible." "Faith leads to understanding"(St .Augustine) and so we pray:  "I believe Lord, help my unbelief/disbelief", "Out of the depths I cry unto you O Lord, Lord hear my cry" ….. for…. faith, hope, love, wisdom, courage, serenity, acceptance, kindness, tenderness, (with myself and others).  May you be blessed in your Bethlehem. As the Bethlehem list can be endless, this is a great place to stop.

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