Thursday, December 26, 2019

Mary, do you know, Part 3

Becoming "Mary" is our vocation. The answer..??????
We,  because of physical birth, live as eternal beings in this moment in time.  Our innate mysterious dignity is expressed in the famous words of de Chardin:  "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings immersed in the human condition."   The ways spiritual realities are revealed to us for our reflection and transformation is through the sensual.  We pray for the lenses that allow us to see, and experience The Reality, beyond what you see, hear, taste, and touch. These ever changing lenses are the gifts that come through perseverance. Perseverance allows us to as we continue the desire to have the desire to see, through the eyes of faith, that which is hidden. Reality wrapped in mystery.  A Reality not bound by time space thought or feeling but revealed to us in the "right now."

"Mary do you know" is a question for you and I in our "right now."  All who read this, and will read this feeble effort, are Mary. All are chosen, like Mary, from the beginning of time, to be the person you are and where you are right now."  God has placed each person in the place where He intended them to be. (St Paul) "Believe this and you will "Bloom in the place where you are planted."  Our Gracious Creator God does not make mistakes. You are not an accident of creation. You and I have been chosen to be woven into the evolutionary tapestry of all of creation.  Much to our chagrin we are not passive participants in this eternal process.  On the contrary we, when we choose to cooperate, actually conferred the wonder-full, awe-full dignity of being co-creators with the eternal Creator.  Our participation in The Creator’s being is the source of our creative imagination essential for creativity.  This creative imagination challenges us to leave behind the safe, the ordinary, the familiar, and journey in faith into that, which right now, we do not know.

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