Saturday, December 28, 2019

Mary, do you know, Part 4

Mary’s, Christ-child is dwelling within each one of who shares the human condition and is (get this), waiting on us all, not just to be born, but given life to.  The Christ Child is not only waiting us to be born, but depends on our free will whether He will have life, a creative presence or not.  Once you accept the wonder of being "Mary" you, and Who it is that dwells in the womb of your soul will both, together, walk on water.  You will be empowered by that Presence to do the seemingly impossible.  That Faith-full Presence will empower us to accomplish things that by ourselves would be impossible.  It is true with God’s Child Presence given life to, we will find that all things are possible.  We will find that there is a secret evolving unity within, that cannot be captured and explained rationally.  We will find that accepting that reality and desiring to be one with storms, are calmed. "Tough ways are made smooth," the deserts of our lives will bloom, revealing untold mystery and beauty. "Mary" do you know or are you prepared to know all that is captured with being the mother, the flesh giver, the carrier of God.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Mary, do you know, Part 3

Becoming "Mary" is our vocation. The answer..??????
We,  because of physical birth, live as eternal beings in this moment in time.  Our innate mysterious dignity is expressed in the famous words of de Chardin:  "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings immersed in the human condition."   The ways spiritual realities are revealed to us for our reflection and transformation is through the sensual.  We pray for the lenses that allow us to see, and experience The Reality, beyond what you see, hear, taste, and touch. These ever changing lenses are the gifts that come through perseverance. Perseverance allows us to as we continue the desire to have the desire to see, through the eyes of faith, that which is hidden. Reality wrapped in mystery.  A Reality not bound by time space thought or feeling but revealed to us in the "right now."

"Mary do you know" is a question for you and I in our "right now."  All who read this, and will read this feeble effort, are Mary. All are chosen, like Mary, from the beginning of time, to be the person you are and where you are right now."  God has placed each person in the place where He intended them to be. (St Paul) "Believe this and you will "Bloom in the place where you are planted."  Our Gracious Creator God does not make mistakes. You are not an accident of creation. You and I have been chosen to be woven into the evolutionary tapestry of all of creation.  Much to our chagrin we are not passive participants in this eternal process.  On the contrary we, when we choose to cooperate, actually conferred the wonder-full, awe-full dignity of being co-creators with the eternal Creator.  Our participation in The Creator’s being is the source of our creative imagination essential for creativity.  This creative imagination challenges us to leave behind the safe, the ordinary, the familiar, and journey in faith into that, which right now, we do not know.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Mary, do you know, Part 2

Anytime the ego is threatened by powerlessness there is instant war. Because of the instant, constant, incessant war, welcome to the gradual revelation of The Mystery beyond the actual.  In the quiet, serene moments after the storm The Quiet, Gentle Presence slowly bubbles up. ( No bubble stuff consumed from the outside in any way come close to replicating that which bubbles up from deep within.  For those who know however, you can become "spirituality intoxicated."  Am waiting IMPATIENTLY !!! for that experience?)  This encounter encourages us, gifts with the hope which enables to make that journey ever deeper. This results in a deeper insight as we encounter The Who keeps all of creation in existence, and Who it is That Has chosen to be the great Hider!!  It is within this Hidden Reality, "we live and move and have our being," apart from this Reality existence is not possible. Always has, always will be.

We are challenged to venture deeper into the eternal circle which this Mystery reveals.  It is within the circle we discover the hidden unity of all of creation.  In the circle there is no one above or below.  First or last, beginnings and endings do not exist in a circle.  All this our ego thrives on and when not fed can become very obstreperous, and seeks, because of its unruliness to create chaos!!!   Chaos, however does not win.  As it was with the first chaos, and all the chaoses  of creations evolution disasters The Creative Spirit creates a better and a more whole, holy reality.  The "Mary" that is each one of us must continue the hard question;  do you really know, or even want to know who it is that sleeps within your paper flesh like dynamite." (Merton)  In order for creation to achieve its intended wholeness an explosion is essential.  There is a catch here we have been freely gifted with the power to play it safe, or to take the leap of faith into the unknown world of creative-grace explosions.  In this existential moment, in this now moment, we desperately need an explosion of grace.  We know from the history of creation it will happen, we just do not know when. "Faith is a journey into uncertainty." Right???

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Christmas 2019 - Mary, do you know, Part 1

"Mary did you know?" are words you hear again and again during this mysterious sacred time of preparation and celebration.  Well when it comes to our spiritual reality there is no yesterday or tomorrow there is only today. That is why the question must be asked, "Mary do you know?"  "Mary do you know right now who you are and Who it is that dwells within you."  Do you know who it is that sleeps within your paper flesh like dynamite ?" (Merton) So I encourage, well dare you that when you the word Mary you are to substitute your name. Then it is , Lynn, Carol, Tomas, Lupita … you know what is happening right within you now, today?   To take it a step further, this Mystery we are active participants in is not even just about today but all about this present moment.  Each moment given to us is in reality our human participation in the eternal moment, "the sacred now."  The eternal moment because of its essential divine nature has no beginning and no end, and so it must be with us.  We, too have no beginning and no end that we can actually pinpoint or capture , much to our frustration, and discomfort. Honesty demands that I add the word annoyed.  Are you with me on this?  By agreeing you are not saying that you really like all of what this entails.  We do not have to like this journey into Mystery.  I have found that I have to ask, and ask constantly for the grace to always accept, the present reality.  Is this easy?  Of course not.  Nothing in the spiritual journey is easy. There is no "cheap
grace" (Bonhoffer).

Saturday, December 21, 2019

We do not know beforehand our Bethlehem trail Part 2

The familiar crib has mysteriously evolved into family. Not family as a physical realty, but as a spiritual reality.  Bethlehem is no longer a place on the map, but a spiritual reality to be discovered ever anew. What triggered all of this was the discovery that the scriptures are Not just what happened in the past, but are realities within me right now. With all those people, places, and events existing within the depths, does it get crowded?  Of course not As there is room for The Creator of all creation within my being, so there must be room for all of creation as well. Where creation is God is, where God is so is all creation. That is why the spiritual is an endless trail to be hiked into The Infinite, and infinity. What a mysterious journey we have been chosen to travel on. One can only follow a trail one step at a time, so thank The Gracious God, we are only required to live one moment at a time. So it is with all those people, places, and events we journey to," by a path we do not know.(John Of The Cross.)" on step, one moment at a time.  We are always safe in that moment.

Bethlehem is the place to which we bring all needs.  Bethlehem is the place to which we bring our hungers so we can be fed.  Bethlehem is the place where our powerlessness so we can be strengthened by The Powerful One appearing as a powerless vulnerable Infant.  This is our first encounter with our Savior.  The One who is always there to complete what we cannot achieve through human limitations.  Our Savior will not do for us what we can do for ourselves.  Our Savior is the essence of One that is healthy in every way, and so not codependent. Darn it!!!!!! Bethlehem is a place we discover in our rear view mirror.  This mirror is not very big so we have to have keen eyes to see. Grace will tweak our lenses so that we too can see and know a" Savior is born to us,a Savior is given to us".  Where is your Bethlehem this year?  Where is it situated?  What is the powerlessness that you are facing?  It may look overwhelming, but with Our Loving Mercy-full Savior God" all things are possible." "Faith leads to understanding"(St .Augustine) and so we pray:  "I believe Lord, help my unbelief/disbelief", "Out of the depths I cry unto you O Lord, Lord hear my cry" ….. for…. faith, hope, love, wisdom, courage, serenity, acceptance, kindness, tenderness, (with myself and others).  May you be blessed in your Bethlehem. As the Bethlehem list can be endless, this is a great place to stop.