Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Wandering Thoughts part 1

These words of an old song have been going around and around in my in my head for a number of days now.  Whether you are a Hollies fan or a Neil Diamond fan you will remember these words, "The road is long with many a winding turn that leads to where who knows where." life's road has been long, and thank God for that.  There has been "many a winding turn" on the way.  Winding turns, especially if you are going up a steep mountain road, with long winding turns there is a demand, forced on us to go slow.  As I drove in the Rockies, I have seen the speed limit at 10 miles an hour.  That is S…l…O…W.  In the slowing down there is a gift(s) offered.  The operative word is offered.  Like all things that are offered they can be ignored, brushed aside or just outright rejected.  Sad to say we do this all the time.  We are in such a hurry in the doing of things we miss out on what is hidden, shyly waiting, to be revealed.  The revelation of the gift comes with the slowing down or better still, being in stillness.  In the slowing down we get caught up in the wonder, and beauty of the vistas.

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