Monday, March 9, 2020

The Place of the Wound is the Place of the Gift Part 2

Over the centuries oil has been used to heal, soothe, comfort, and strengthen those suffering from health challenges. It is back big time in these latter years.  Because the Pope calls it the oil of God's mercy we must broaden our understanding to include it's sacramental aspect.  So, now we see the sacrament of the oil of mercy as not only healing, soothing, comforting, and strengthening us but we must add transfiguration and transformation.  So, there is a change.  The old has become new and to add something really mysterious and amazing, our garbage has been transformed into treasure.  Our wounds, our weaknesses, or brokenness have become the place of healing, and giftedness but for ourselves, alone.  We are told in the scriptures that "the gifts and talents we have been given are Not for ourselves, but for the building up of the common good." Stories of deep healing are so healing in turn.  We must be always conscious of the danger of spiritual greed.  What we keep, we lose, what we give away, we keep.

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