As we immerse ourselves in the Gospel accounts of that First
Day of a new creation, what a shepherd He shows Himself to be. He is out and
about offering reassurance to those who were disturbed, disillusioned and
disheartened. He was seeking out and searching out those who seemed to be the
most lost. We have the example of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. He
was seeking out Mary in The Garden. Then there was Thomas. He was the
disbelieving, unbelieving one, not the doubting one. I believe that in calling
him, "doubting Thomas" we give doubting a bad name. Thomas was in
real bad shape. He was not with the community. He chose to grieve alone, in
private he was doing his grieving. How destructive that was and as it was so it
is for us today. Even though we want to grieve alone, it is destructive. Look
how unfeeling he had become. Look what he wanted to do to Jesus? Read again
what he demanded happen in order for him to believe in the Risen Christ. Was
that the request of a compassionate follower or who was in the throes of
grieving a loss?
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