Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Only what we give away we keep Part 2

On I hike I had been surprised with the approach of a dog that approaches to be petted.  That dog did not know me but the way she/he behaves it is as if we have been friends forever.  What a great feeling bubbles up when we are greeted with a joy-full hello or sincere hi!  Is there anything better than a child breaking out in a glorious smile.  Does this not warm us as nothing else can?  That smiling child awakens the child within, so this a grace-full moment.  That child and place is a presence and a place of mystery.  It was and always will be sacramental.  It is one of the many places The Holy Other is encountered.  On top of this mystery we are told by the mystics that we are forever "in the hug of God."  I am constantly grateful for those hugs that are in reality God’s hugs, mediated through another one of God’s creation. Where God can, God always uses human instrumentality to reveal the power of Presence.  That is why we must be constantly be aware of the co-creative dynamic always present in all of creation.  We all have been UNIQUELY CHOSEN for this vocation.

"We are called, we are chosen, we are Christ for one another" Nice words to sing but are we ready to answer the call, and respond to the challenge? Now, here in 2019 we are being challenged as never before to become not someone who is taking up space, but is a living and active presence.  To become an uncomfortable presence for those who need to be confronted.  We are called to be prophetic voices that challenge the powerful on behalf of the powerless. 

The list of today's powerless fellow humans is growing longer by the minute.  Add to that the powerlessness of Mother Nature as she is ravaged and raped all because of avarice.  Yes our Sister, Mother Earth has a reason to groan. (Pope Francis).  I would go further today in all of our communities, and countries there are the screams of the today's crucified.  Those who are aching for mercy, and care are in our homes and families, as well as in distant lands.  We are all a community. We are all interdependent.  There are no individuals in a healthy creation, all are one. Yes, we all are The Body of Christ.  Today "we are The Body Of Christ Whose body is again being betrayed ,beaten and battered in new and repulsive ways.  Let us be Veronica and reach out to the Suffering one.  Let us be a contemporary Simon of Cyrene that when challenged to carry the cross we do so, knowing we have been prepared and strengthened to face whatever comes.  "I believe Lord, help my unbelief/disbelief." The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, let us be His living and active closeness so that these words become a reality for "the least of our sisters and brothers and all of creation."

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