How did the Risen One greet them? With words of
recrimination, and judgment? No way!! That is our human way of dealing with
denial, and betrayal. Not so with Jesus The Christ. He, Who is the incarnation
of the mercy of God, was mercy-full to these broken ones. He did not call
anyone out. He did not let the ego gloat by saying "I told you so."
No His greeting to them was "Shalom." Shalom is not just peace. It is
so much more. Shalom has about 15 different levels of meaning. I found the
following on the internet. "According to Strong's Concordance shalom means
completeness, wholeness, health, peace,
welfare, safety, soundness, tranquility,
prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony, the absence of agitation or
discord. "Now that is a real mouth full!!! It appears to be too much for
my little brain to handle. There is nothing in this world that we can compare
shalom to. No human being, that I know of, has all those qualities. There are
some who we can say have some of what shalom means but not all. We are all
perfectly imperfect. So what is left, the desire to grow into a fuller
understanding, and an ever deepening embrace of the full meaning of shalom.
This will happen the more we encounter Christ in our everyday living. The
spirit of Shalom is the Spirit of Christ, constantly reminding us of who we are,
and Whose presence we are to reveal in our gospel hike/walk/journey.
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