We are still in Easter time. That time between Easter Sunday
and The Feast of The Ascension. It is now looked on as the time spent in
adjustment. These are the days and weeks we visit each year so as to reflect
and be taught anew by The Risen Christ. We learn each year
something new from the events of the time spent time by Christ with His
disciples. He spent 40 days, a long time, providing them time to adjust
to His new way of relating with them. It was a time of letting go of the old,
so as to embrace the new. This is hard work. The disciples had to let go of their old way
of thinking, and their old way of relating. This Jesus, whom they knew in His
mortal life, is now present to them in His risen reality. A reality that is
beyond anything they could ever imagine. He appears and disappears. Closed
doors are no obstacle to The Risen Christ. They encounter Him on the road.
He is with them when they are fishing. The Risen One eats and drinks with
them. He even cooks for them. Things may in way be the same, yet in another
reality essentially different. It took some adjusting to, and in the end the
disciples did not really get the whole picture. We are told in Mark's Gospel how,
on The Mount of The Ascension, the disciples worshiped the Risen Christ, but
"they still doubted." How consoling is that. Those who were personally
called, and formed by Jesus The Christ, did not get it. It is still more
amazing that Jesus left them in their doubt. He went off up to heaven, and left
behind a bunch of doubters. Yet these were the ones who, in time, were going to
take the Gospel message to "the ends of the earth."
Many were to lay down their lives as a testimony to the
truth of what they were taught. How could this happen? What they saw or thought
as an ending was actually the beginning of a deeper journey with The Risen Christ.
He was no longer with them; He was to be within them. As it was with the early
disciples so it is with us, His present day disciples. We, because we are alive,
have to face the consequence of death. For who follow in the footsteps of Jesus
Christ will over time, come to see and believe that this death we are so afraid
of is not an end but an actual beginning. This death, leading to new life is
called, Paschal death. As long as we are alive we are constantly in the process
of deepening our understanding of this mystery. The opposite of Paschal death
is temporal death. There is death, and then there is nothing. Where do you see
the reality of this Paschal death in the life you are living right now? Where
is Easter time, that time you are forced to let go of the old ways of relating,
and there is now a new reality to be encountered and accepted? We must always
keep before us this hard fact, acceptance is a process to be entered into. When
we enter a process we never know where it is going to lead to. So we need
faith. Our Gracious Lover has provided us with a model that is to be lived out
uniquely by each one of us. The journey of the prophet Jesus, becoming the
Christ of God, is the model we follow. So we will not be caught up in fear and trembling.
We have been blessed to have The Spirit
of The risen Christ deep within the depths of who we are.
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