I cannot count the times this has happened to me. On one of my trips I have been set on getting to a destination when the following happened. I would be going along, making good time, sorry to say not the legal time, when I would be startled by some wayside scenic beauty. I would be forced to stop, get out my camera and shoot away. This cost me time but I had a lasting memory tucked away. A sacramental moment to be be enjoyed again and again. The revelation of beauty is always sacramental.We encounter, The Holy, in theses sacred moments leading to us to an ever deepening appreciation of, Life, as The Source of Life,is revealed to us in so many places, people, actions, and events.
I sure beat around the bush a lot !!!!! That can help explain my lengthy chats, in all their many forms. Well the point I want to make is this, I was privileged to concelebrate the 9 o'clock mass at st.Andrew the Apostle on Sunday. When you concelebrate you just hang out and enjoy the whole celebration. I was sitting in my chair, neatly looked away in a corner when the Lector approached The Table of The Word to proclaim the scriptures for the community of faith. I must have heard these Scriptures proclaimed hundreds, if not thousands of time love these many years. Then I heard "Seek the Lord while He may be found, call Him while He is near..... For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are my ways your ways, says The lord. As high as the heavens are above the earth's high are my ways above your ways and my thoughts above your thoughts." Is 55;6-9.
In the Old Testament The Divine was so often seen as being outside, in the without, and had to be somehow captured. In The New Testament we have The Trinity making It dwelling within each of us. We DO NOT HAVE TO SEEK THE LORD, The Lord dwells in our depths. The fact we have the desire to seek The Divine,means we have ALREADY been found by The Divine God. We are seeking then a deeper awareness of A Reality that which is already present.Boy you cannot imagine. the relief I felt when I was first exposed to that truth. Then I became more aware of this prayer, "Our desire to prays ITSELF a prayer."How about them apples ??? So I do not have to "seek The Lord I am already the beloved of The Beloved. I am loved with a love I cannot earn, deserve ,or qualify for" What the am I asked to do, simple say ,YES. That is it. Yes to the love I am being offered in this moment that is necessary for a healthy spiritual journey back to our original source of origin. We leave the womb of Infinite Love, to journey, and in that journey to reveal to all that Original Love that lies in our depths.
WE must be ever, and always aware of this seminal fact of reality, Beloved's ways are not our ways,nor are our ways Her/His ways. Yet take a real hard look at what serious damage is done when we apply our thoughts, our ways to how The Infinite works as if were the truth, the real reality which all must abide by. This application of our thoughts, way of judging, way of rewarding and punishing etc to God is called anthropomorphism.( I looked it up so as to have the right spelling. By the way thank you for the kindness you show by not highlighting my many mistakes.) This has been and always will be a source of pain for all who look for The Truth not the apparent truth. The so called truth emanating from a closed ill-informed mind .A Mind which refuses to be formed so that the thoughts though are originating from The Spirit of Truth given to us ,why ? " to lead us to all truth" so spoke The Rabbi Jesus. The best of Irish luck as you journey into a new way of understanding, leading to a new way of acting. All this will lead to what and where, Calvary,and "my God,My God why have You, abandoned me ?" Your fellow companion on the Calvary trudge, which ALWAYS leads to.......