Monday, February 4, 2019

Dear Sloggers, Part 3

I do not know how many more of these are to be written. So I want to take this opportunity of thanking all of you who have contributed in any way in making this tough slog, less of a slog. Sometimes it has been a very mysterious enjoyable one. Never dull. I do not know when this will get into the mail. If before The Baptism of The Lord, I will not have missed the A-C-E season. If not I need to keep in mind, in each now moment, God approaches, Christ is being born, and His revelation continues in and through all of His creation. Your kind remembrances at this time of year, always brightens my life.  I thank you for your faithfulness. 
 For my 55th anniversary trip I spent 15 weeks on the road, and trails. Up to 12,000 feet, and as low as hitting the ground so hard as to fracture my elbow. Drove over 9,000 miles, and am convinced me, myself, and I, are bad, bad company. For the first two-three weeks, I still want to run home. Thank God for the 116s, that kept me in Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming. Do you remember when I came back from my long trips I used tell you."If I was married to me, I would come home divorced’? I got to admit, nothing has changed, only got worse. Blessings to and on all. Continue to embrace the uniqueness of evolving mystery that is being revealed in your depths. The Irish poet Yeats has these words, "It takes reckless courage to journey into the depths of who we really are. The journey to the depths is guided by the Holy Spirit."

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