As you read the following, and I sincerely thank you for your efforts over the days, weeks and months, you are going to be stretched. SORRY !!!! My mind is really jumbled right now. Some will say, " Just now, and is this a new discovery ?" There is so much challenging news that is bombarding my consciousness I find myself disjointed, more than ever. I see our Prophetic Pope Francis is now getting serious help so he can breathe easier. With all that is hitting us right now the last thing we can imagine is the election of a new Vicar of Christ. Who will be chosen by The Holy Spirit ?????
The basic reality is , as we go as individuals, so does the local and universal church. Each one of us is an active, evolving cell of both society and church. As we go, so goes the rest of all reality. SCARY ??? That is why a daily examination of consciousness is recommended. We have to have face bravely an honest inventory of where we are at, and where is leading to. All that I am doing right now is the foundation of all that is to come. This begs the question, with what lens do I view my moment existence, my doing and being ??
Am I allowing the lenses of, a healthy spirituality, view all of my moment to moment reality ? Am I growing in honesty with myself, so I can welcome The Mercy-full Love that eases my fears, uncertainties and anxieties ? We are NEVER completely honest. We are as honest as we can be, right now. Nothing is perfect. We are all perfectly imperfect ,right. We can only grow in our acceptance of that reality, a reality the false self recoils from. We are challenged to walk through our fears, into a gradual fearless intimacy with our selves, Reality, and all of the reality we live in. The journey in radical honesty is very, very, gradual. We travel so fast that, a snail, will pass us !!!!!! The goal is to live, not to just exist.
We were gifted recently with Psalm 103. I humble recommend this Psalm to be always directing you thoughts, and action. This will lead you to and through the desert of rigorous honesty, on the way to " a new freedom and a new happiness'. The gift is always being offered, but we are present to receive the present ? The opening words of the Psalm needs to be not just read every day, but become a mantra that keeps us in touch with this basic spirituality. I was immersed in my youth and early teens in the belief in the false idol, a punishing, judgmental, rigid, unmerciful-ll false reality. I now It has been a slow meandering journey through the pain of unreality , into the freedom of being, the beloved. Loved as I am without, "condition, restriction, or reservation "
This is an awe-full reality. So awe-full it take all of our allotted time to even get a glimpse go it. Then a mere glimpse of The Divine Reality is all we need as we face the trudge of our human existence. This is the end for now. I hope to continue this thought process, our deepest truth, for some time to come. Got your Lenten penance picked out yet ? This year take up, not give up, hint, hint !!!!!! Prayers love and blessings. Great grandpa Joe, always remember the "Lord is kind and mercy-full, slow to anger and of great kindness." The Loving Power heals us, does not cure.
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