Wednesday, January 15, 2025

  "I wonder what Grandpa Joe will squawk about this time ? " would be a great caption for this photo, or do you have a more appropriate one ? This was shot outside of West Yellowstone, a number of years ago. For this first, the first post of 2025, I am looking forward to what is going to, bubble up, or to quote the birds, what will be the message be or more bluntly, " What  the squawking will present for consideration."
                    " We live life looking forward, but we understand it looking backwards", right now?. A new quote I also like: " Learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow". Our current "yesterdays" have gifted us with tremendous wisdom for us to reflect on, and allow the wisdom to filter down into our depths. There it will lie, joining of Spirit of Love and Wisdom already residing in the tabernacle of the soul. We really need to claim the exhortation Paul offers in Collosshons as words that will guide the time we are given to be " co-creators and co-perfectors " of our evolving cosmos. Each one of us, by our thoughts and actions are either " life givers or death dealers " to what is evolving. Our gift to the future lies in our present thoughts and actions. What faith The Gracious Creator has in each one of us ???? The  AWE-FULLNESS that lies beneath all, that is, is mind-blowing. 
                " Put on heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility,  gentleness and patience " 2 Corinthians 3: 12. We must also keep before us that this is A Holy Year dedicated to , Hope. Unless we are working on the previous spiritual qualities, we will not be prophets of Hope, but purveyors of increasing death and destruction. The Gracious Creative is in each moment pouring into us what we need to be healthy co-creators. Each moment contains within it all that we need for right now. No more, no less. Each moment is a sacrament, to be reverenced and enjoyed so that we as prophets of hope are empowered to meet the challenges of each approaching moment. " Hold on, pain ends."
          Compassion is not empathy. Empathy depends nothing of  the serious and self emptying action that compassions demands. Compassion means I suffer with you. Join you where you are at, only with fruit-full love and life giving acceptance.. We are the modern Good Samaritans which our existential evolution is in such desperate need of. I cannot remember a time  where humankind's  inhumanity to fellow humans is at such an all time low. How can there be Hope where the dignity of each human is confined to such narrow  and destructive judgments. Humility speaks to me and says, very pointedly " There go you, but for the grace of God." Stunning !!!!!!   
         Until the next time, if there is going to be one, I leave you with this ancient blessing:  May " The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you ; The Lord turn His face toward you, and give you peace." As you are blessed, so, bless all those that WILL be placed on the trail with you. Be angels, be trumpeters of The Good News. Love prayers and blessings. Gramps.