I want to take this opportunity to wish you all a continuing mysterious understanding of The Mystery we are in the process of celebrating. The mystery of The Incarnation is intimately bound up with the mystery of who we are. To deepen our understanding of The Incarnation, leads to an ongoing deepening reverence for who we are, and a consequence a deepening reverence for all the dynamic community of sisters and brothers. As we evolve as human beings our, sacred dignity is ever so slowly revealed us. We take a long time to be grown in the understanding of the sacred, the spiritual that is both hidden and revealed in us and in each sacramental moment we are privileged to live. We are always challenged to live life to the fullest, not just eke out a mere existence. Because of "the changing movements of the human heart" the challenge to live life and life it to the fullest is the challenge to be met, and through mercy-full grace, we find we are up to the challenge. As St.Paul writes "we are never tested beyond our strength". Many times I have to share with The Gracious One, maybe a deeper analysis of my strength is required before the next test is met.
This Christmas of 2023 we find that Bethlehem City is, a disaster area. Much of it is in rubble. Visitors are not encouraged. So what are we to do ? Well we journey within and visit with fresh insights the disastrous rubble that is our Bethlehem, a challenging reality within each one of our depths. It will always be, in the rubble caused by our weaknesses and brokennesses. This is where The Savior, the revelation of mercy-full love is always encountered. From this encounter between grace and our human condition something new is slowly revealed to us. We get just little glimpses of the possibility that is our destiny. These little glimpses are enough to strengthen our resolve not to give up the quest, but to journey ever deeper in the unknown. From this faith-filled journey a deeper encounter with The Unknown is gifted to us. " This, pearl pf great price" when we discover it, is, not for ourselves but for those who will be placed on our paths.
We must always remember that it was the shepherds, the outcasts of society, that the Good news was revealed to. Those shepherds of the Gospel are to be found within ourselves. That part we do not readily accept must be bathed with the unconditioned, consoling mercy-full grace, love The Infant has come to reveal. This mercy-all love is so awe-full that many of us find it really difficult to accept. We are afraid of the unknown which will occur. We want certainty, each step ion the way. This Mysterious Gift is always being offered to us, so we need to be challenged, to be awakened. Let this Christmas season be the start, even be the fear-filled first step into a "new freedom and a new happiness". What is found in the rubble is what is used to build a new reality. A reality that is so mysterious we will be at the end of our days, and have yet to understand The Gift that came from the rubble. Reverence your rubble. Reverence the shepherds within. Seek to awaken daily to the new and vitalizing strength that is mysterious seeping into you lived life.
May 2024 be a year of new horizons. Break free of the restrictions preventing you from realizing your full potential true sacred dignity. May this new reality lead you to an ever deeper understanding of The Reality. Please keep this senior senior citizen in your prayers. Love prayers and blessings. Great grandpa Joe.
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